How to persevere … correctly

I just had to steal this 37 signal blog posting

How’s this for tenacity? John Dane is 58 years old and has been trying out for the Olympic sailing team for 40 years. He finally made it this year with his son-in-law, Austin Sperry.

Dane missed qualifying for the Olympics 4 separate times, each by a few minutes. He didn’t give up after each loss, he just improved his sailing skills. It would have been too easy to give up after losing one or two qualifying races. John Dane took the more difficult route and persevered.

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Current Active Scaffold Rails plugin (1.1.1) not compatible with Rails 2.1

If you’re seeing errors like this

... gems/activesupport-2.1.0/lib/active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing.rb:31:in `alias_method': undefined method `find_full_template_path' for class `ActionView::Base' (NameError)

You’re not crazy.
Active Scaffold (1.1.1) doesn’t play nice with Rails 2.1!

Go here to get an Active Scaffold version (master) that does.

Fixing the libxml-ruby gem error: uninitialized constant XML (NameError)

I found the highly recommended libxml-ruby gem but was having a lot of trouble getting my sample code below to work

require 'libxml'
doc = XML::Document.file('')
root = doc.root
puts "Root element name: #{}"

I kept getting this error

uninitialized constant XML (NameError) Continue reading

Why requiring long term contracts could be bad for your business …

I was just chatting with some SEO/SEM guru buddies of mine about how yearly contracts in the SEO industry make potential clients nervous, but are still the industry standard.

They’d stopped requiring yearly contracts for their services, charging from month to month instead (with a deposit up front) . Their clients seemed more comfortable with that arrangement and they were a lot happier with it too.

That set me thinking about why businesses ever require contracts to service their clients. Continue reading

Compiled PHP not loading correct php.ini

This one drove me nuts.
I was compiling various versions of PHP4 on Mac OS X and even though the phpinfo() was saying that it was loading the php.ini at /usr/local/php/php.ini it really wasnt (still haven’t figured out what it was loading).

But after trawling about for a while, I found this excellent forum post that told me how to get my compiled PHP to load the right php.ini

The solution?

compile PHP with these flags
–sysconfdir=/etc –with-config-file-path=/etc –with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php.d

substituting the correct folder paths for each of the flags

The haters crawl out of the woodwork on mod_rails project

There has never been a statue erected to honor a critic.
– Ziglar, Zig

I couldn’t believe that someone would have the gall to actually go on record with grouses as trite as these against the creators of mod_rails … but they did

Basically here are their complaints about Phusion Passenger/mod_rails

– Their product has ‘Enterprise’ in the title
– They shouldn’t be up to version 2.0 already (yes … they actually said that)
– They release FREE products ‘late’ (late being an excruciating 2 weeks)
– They’d like for them them to be more ‘modest’ (like they haven’t heard of DHH)
– The marketing seems too slick and something ‘fishy’ is going on because they’re trying to make money with an Enterprise ready version of Passenger/mod_rails?!?!
– The ‘rails community’ will not embrace mod_rails because of these laughable quibbles … I guess these guys don’t count as part of the ‘rails community’ right?


PS: Note that the original ‘rant’ appeared on Ruby flow, where it was rightly eviscerated

mod rails Passenger 2.0 RC2 released … even more stable?

The kickass developers over at Phusion have released an update to Phusion passenger (or as I prefer to call it … Apache mod rails).

You can see the list of original improvements here

It seems that this particular problem with mod-rails hanging after a few hours and taking down apache with it (I experienced this in an apache deployment that I tried personally … and its a bit scary) was part of the motivation behind the original mod_rails/Passenger Release Candidate. Continue reading