A Ruby on Rails Hacker's blog about software & technology
Tumblr TimeStamps Google Chrome Extension: Puts timestamps in footers of posts in your tumblr dashboard, so you can have some idea of where you are in the infinite pagination of Tumblr
Tiny Song/Grooveshark Google Chrome Extension: built using the Grooveshark API, allows you to search for any song by name, artist or any other combination, then returns a short url for you to share with your friends on twitter or facebook, or just mosey on down to Grooveshark and hear the tune yourself
Mentioned on Grooveshark’s blog
Nigeria ’70: Ruby on Rails app that pulls in News Headlines from the major Nigerian News Papers/News Sites and aggregates them for users. Provide search functionality using Sphinx
Rails 2/3 Guides Redirect Google Chrome Extension: Redirects you to the version of the online Rails Guides that you preselect in the options, so you don’t have to type in the Rails 2 version of the url every. single. time. you. need. it. which apart from being tedious, also happens to be very annoying
oneApartment: Prototype of an Apartment Locating application which I was hoping to turn into a startup, currently changing direction on the project