
  • Tumblr TimeStamps Google Chrome Extension: Puts timestamps in footers of posts in your tumblr dashboard, so you can have some idea of where you are in the infinite pagination of Tumblr
  • Tiny Song/Grooveshark Google Chrome Extension:  built using the Grooveshark API, allows you to search for any song by name, artist or any other combination, then returns a short url for you to share with your friends on twitter or facebook, or just mosey on down to Grooveshark and hear the tune yourself
    Mentioned on Grooveshark’s blog
  • Nigeria ’70: Ruby on Rails app that pulls in News Headlines from the major Nigerian News Papers/News Sites and aggregates them for users. Provide search functionality using Sphinx
  • Rails 2/3 Guides Redirect Google Chrome Extension: Redirects you to the version of the online Rails Guides that you preselect in the options, so you don’t have to type in the Rails 2 version of the url every. single. time. you. need. it. which apart from being tedious, also happens to be very annoying
  • oneApartment: Prototype of an Apartment Locating application which I was hoping to turn into a startup, currently changing direction on the project